Insiders view of Deltek and Deltek Maconomy

Jonas Andersson at HerbertNathan & Co interviews Pouline Wagtberg, Managing Director for the Nordic region and Head of Account Management EMEA/APAC at Deltek.


Deltek is a global system supplier with several ERP systems in its portfolio, including Maconomy, WorkBook, Vantagepoint and Costpoint. Deltek has over 4,000 employees and users in over 80 countries. Through acquisition, since 2010 the Danish business system Deltek Maconomy has been included in Deltek’s product portfolio and this is the ERP system offered to customers on the Nordic and Swedish markets. Maconomy is a global product that in Sweden is aimed at customers of all sizes in the private sector. Maconomy has functionality that supports project-oriented businesses such as consulting firms, architectural and engineering firms, law firms, audit firms, marketing firms, etc.


The interview with Pouline gives you a good picture of Deltek’s offer to the Swedish and Scandinavian market, and of the target group Maconomy targets. You will also learn more about how far cloud-based services have come and how to work with AI.


The interview is in English.



1. Introduction
2. Pouline talks about her background
3. Introduction to Maconomy
4. Milestones in Deltek’s and Maconomy’s history
5. Maconomy after the acquisition in 2010
6. Deltek today
7. Deltek’s product portfolio
8. Pouline on Deltek’s strategy for products within HR and Talent
9. Is Maconomy offered to small customers and can Vantagepoint become relevant for the target group?
10. Is there a difference in how Deltek handles small and large customers?
11. How far has Maconomy come on the journey towards Cloud and is On-prem still an option for customers who want it?
12. Deltek’s strategy regarding partners and the view on the partner market
13. How Deltek plans to expand Maconomy’s customer base in the Nordics
14. How Deltek works with AI
15. What is Deltek’s ambition for the Nordics in the coming years?
16. Poulin’s advice to customers who are going to procure a new business system
17. Outro