24SevenOffice ERP
24SevenOffice - A complete ERP, MRP and AI-based enterprise platform.
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System description
24SevenOffice ERP - A complete ERP, MRP and AI-based enterprise platform. Reduce 50% or more of your manual work through automation. Manage your business and staff with a comprehensive and fully integrated ERP, MRP, Manufacturing, Inventory management and AI-based accounting and bookkeeping system. 24SevenOffice provides your business with a powerful ERP system with everything from MRP, Manufacturing, Inventory management, CRM, Materials Resource Planning, Finance and Accounting software, Payroll, Project Management, Time registration, Reporting and Travel expenses.
Activly sold in:
Introduction year:
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Target group:
Process support
Market information
Share of sales
Share of customers
No data
Factors to consider according to us
24SevenOffice strategy is to buy Best of Breed applications and integrate them with 24SevenOffice financial core application.
The acquisition of Masterplan and Exicom (excluded from above rating) has given 24SevenOffice a much broader ERP offering, also for the upper midmarket.
The acquisition of the Danish HCM system Innomate has given 24SevenOffice a good HCM, Payroll and T&E offering.
The partners have a typical accounting advisory profile.
An AI based assistant is available for Accounting agencies.
User experience
- User interface
- Screenshots
- Videos
System strategy
- System development
- Price model
- Implementor
System development
New version release
Twice a year
Every two years
Every three years
Development plans
Roadmap skal til enhver til ivareta våre kunders forretningsbehpov, med et levende brukerdesign og "moderne" plattform. Totalintegrert HR-løsning, første halvår 2023.
Emerging technology
All in one system combined with AI - an improvement of core processes. One source of the truth - AI will be the largest driver for ERP investments in the near future.
Price model
Only one-time fee
One-time fee + recurring fee
Only recurring fee (subscription)
Pricing metrics
No. of concurrent users
No. of named users
No. of employees
No. of legal entities
No. of modules / functions used
No. of transactions
Platform fee / start fee
Pricing add-on
System environments
Storage space
Integrated systems
Integration transactions
Pricing description
Subscription model with 12 month binding.