Insiders view of Sage and Sage X3

Jonas Andersson at HerbertNathan & Co interviews Robert Sinfield, Vice President of the ERP system at Sage, to talk about the ERP system of the future and Sage as one of the players in this market.

5 minutes about Workday Financials

HerbertNathan & Co gives a short presentation of the ERP-system Workday Financials, the delivery model, partner model, the customers, the system functionality and the systems market position in Sweden.

5 minutes about Sage X3

HerbertNathan & Co gives a short presentation of the ERP-system Sage X3, the delivery model, partner model, the customers, the system functionality and the systems market position in Scandinavia.

5 minutes about iScala

HerbertNathan & Co gives a short presentation of the ERP-system iScala from a Scandinavian market perspective.

5 minutes about Deltek Maconomy

A video where HerbertNathan & Co gives av short presentation of the ERP system Deltek Maconomy from a Swedish market perspektive.

5 minutes about Netsuite

A video where HerbertNathan & Co gives a short presentation of the ERP system Netsuite from a Swedish market perspective.

5 minutes about Infor Cloudsuite

A short video were HerbertNathan & Co gives a short presentation of the ERP-system Infor Cloudsuite from a Swedish market perspective. We talk about the company, the customers, the system functionality and the systems market position in Sweden.

5 minutes about Iptor DC1

A short video were HerbertNathan & Co gives a short presentation of the ERP-system Iptor DC1 from a Swedish market perspective. We talk about the company, the customers, the system functionality and the systems market position in Sweden.

5 minutes about IFS Applications

HerbertNathan & Co gives a short presentation of the ERP-system IFS Applications from a Swedish market perspective. IFS was founded […]

5 min insight about Epicor ERP

HerbertNathan & Co gives a short presentation of the ERP-system Epicor ERP from a Swedish market perspective. Epicor ERP targets […]