5 minutes about iScala

HerbertNathan & Co gives a short presentation of the ERP-system iScala from a Scandinavian market perspective.

iScala is owned by the ERP vendor Epicor, who was founded in 1972. In 2003 Epicor aquired the ERP vendor Scala, with the ambition to build a global organization and to use this new coverage to launch the ERP system Epicor globally. In parallel the Scala application was to be phased out of the market. The customers, however, refused to shift from Scala to Epicor and since a few years back Epicor is making investments in the application, today renamed iScala. iScala mainly targets small organizations, mainly within Trade, Manufacturing and Project-related industries and Services.

In the presentation we will tell you more about the delivery model, partner model, the customers, the system functionality and the systems market position in Scandinavia.



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