Ett mindre lönesystem med en del HCM funktionalitet
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System description
Nmbrs is a cloud based HR & Payroll application for businesses and accountants. What makes Nmbrs unique is that it integrates both HR and payroll processes in one seamless workflow, and allows employees to have their HR needs at their fingertips. Our technology automates repetitive tasks and delegates manual input to those that can best supply it. With Nmbrs HR managers, payroll professionals, accountants and employees can collaborate in a way that reduces errors and saves everyone valuable time. It also boasts a fully fledged open API to make it easy to extract/input data or integrate.
Activly sold in:
Introduction year:
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Target group:
Process support
Market information
Share of sales
Share of customers
Factors to consider according to us
Nmbrs är ett mindre lönesystem med visst stöd för HR-processerna.
Rekryteringsmodulen kan läggas till mot en extra kostnad.
Har möjlighet att integrera mot appar såsom exempelvis Fortnox (affärsystem) och Findity (resa).
Används ofta i leveransen hos löne/redovisningsbyråer, vilket indikerar att det finns ett bra stöd även för efterarbetet med lön.
Erbjuds enbart som publik molntjänst.
User experience
- User interface
- Screenshots
- Videos
System strategy
- System development
- Price model
- Implementor
System development
New version release
Twice a year
Every two years
Every three years
Development plans
In the near future features like an input checker, support for Kivra and monthly reporting to Fora. Long term we're of course looking at AI and how we can use it to further automate tasks.
Emerging technology
Nmbrs is a cloud based application with an open API (REST/SOAP). It utilises micro services to make it possible to update parts of the platform outside the weekly updates. Integrations have possibility to use webhooks to keep track of changes. The payroll delivery workflows can be fully automated (making a payroll run, delivering to a client, delivering payslips to employees, sending journals to the bookkeeping, sending wage tax declaration to Skatteverket etc). Some AI features
Price model
Only one-time fee
One-time fee + recurring fee
Only recurring fee (subscription)
Pricing metrics
No. of concurrent users
No. of named users
No. of employees
No. of legal entities
No. of modules / functions used
No. of transactions
Platform fee / start fee
Pricing add-on
System environments
Storage space
Integrated systems
Integration transactions
Pricing description
The pricing is based on the amount of employees that gets a payslip. There is a package price which includes an amount of payslips, and a price per payslip for the amount that exceeds the package.