VD-intervju med Cosmo Consult
11 jan 17
Gerrit Schiller, COO och grundare av Cosmo Consult
Cosmo Consult är världens just nu mest framgångsrika och största NAV-partner med över 650 NAV-konsulter. Verksamheten grundades 1996 och etablerades i Sverige 2014 via förvärvet av Tectura. Vi har träffat Gerrit Schiller, COO för koncernen och en av grundarna för att få information om nuläget och framtiden.
Who are Cosmo Consult and what is the story behind your company?
Svar: COSMO CONSULT is a consulting company, that is specialized in the implementation and system management of business software solutions for small and medium-sized and large companies. COSMO CONSULT started in 1996 as an Navision Solution Center in Germany, now we are an international Company with offices in Europe and Latin America and we fully support our customers with the implementation of business software based on Microsoft and Qlik Technologies. We are a private owned company, have an entrepreneurial mindset and drive our business with a long term perspective and strategy.
Your company has grown fast, what’s the secret behind your success?
Svar: The main pillars of our success are our high qualified, motivated and satisfied team members, our excellent service quality combined with high customer satisfaction and of course our market oriented and human centric solution portfolio. This combination addressed to our target market ensures successful projects with high value for our clients. Since beginning we have strong focus to find new clients and build trustful relations to them. To be customer centric is our intention that supports our organic growth. Of course we also did some carefully considered acquisitions to step in new markets.
What are your strengths and what is your main target customer group?
Svar: With passion and creativity we create innovative solutions that put the focus on people and therefore lead to the optimum benefit. We have a strong focus in the fields of manufacturing, services and trade and can offer a range from lean implemented solutions based on best practices to highly specialized customer specific solutions combined with business consulting services to help them with organizational changes and challenges.
You are already the largest and leading NAV-partner in the world, how much can you continue to grow?
Svar: We see many opportunities to strengthen and grow in our existing local business because of the really good momentum with Microsoft Technology. Within our transformation from an ERP company to a solution provider of End-to-End solutions based on Microsoft Business Software stack we will offer many new valuable solutions and services around ERP to our clients in the future, which bring them more productivity and competitiveness. Furthermore we plan to entire in some careful selected new markets to extend our international footprint.
Scandinavia is a market with very tough competition regarding ERP, what are you ambitions for the next 2-3 years?
Svar: We plan to grow in a well-ordered organic way and enhance our offerings like mentioned. To stay a “great partner to work with” and a “great place to work” are most important for us to have a successful long term business. We have made investments towards the manufacturing industry where we know see a momentum and plan to enhance our market share in this area.
Finally, which are currently the major trends within ERP and how do you meet this trends?
Svar: We see different trends in ERP. One important trend is that the demand of the business software is more business driven and oriented on end-to-end Value Chains instead of monolithic, data and function driven in the past. The Microsoft platform with ERP and CRM Business Software Applications, Collaboration tool, BI / intelligence tools and Azure stack offers a great foundation to build up such solutions, even with possibility to integrate other specialized external solution. And of course, flipping the business software to the cloud is an ongoing trend. We see that service-centric organizations go this way much more than product- or asset-centric organization. We develop our organization continually to be prepared and deliver highly modern and strategic solutions. and we ourselves work hard on some internal areas to be a role model with the digital transformation.
Besök gärna Cosmo Consults hemsida för att läsa mer om företaget >> www.cosmoconsult.com