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Agda PS

Etablerat system med en stark närvaro på marknaden och stöd för över 450 kollektivavtal

Supplier name: Visma Enterprise
Country of origin: Norway
no flag
Phone sales:

No data

Email contact sales:

Employees global: 14 000

System description

Agda PS is a flexible system that suits a lot of organisations with their ability to support about 70% of all the collective agreements in Sweden. It's a safe and inovative supplier that will change the way you work with the payroll process with their automated vacation and retroactively calculations, also continues calculations.

Activly sold in:


Introduction year:


1 1 1998 1 400
1998 1 400

No data


No data


No data

Target group:

Small (50 - 249)|Medium (250 - 2.499)

Process support

Lönebearbetning och utbetalning
Organisation och behörigheter
Person och anställning
Resehantering och utlägg
Tidrapportering och schema
Utdata, rapportering & analys




Market information

Share of sales

Share of customers

Factors to consider according to us

  • Agda PS Analys, ett molnbaserat BI-verktyg specifikt utvecklat för Agda PS, finns som ett alternativ för förstärkt kapacitet inom rapportering och datainsikter.

  • Begränsad systemfunktionalitet inom tidsregistrering. Integration med Visma Medvind rekommenderas om mer komplexa krav på schemaläggning och bemanning finns.

  • Löneadministration sker för närvarande i klienten, och utveckling mot ett webbaserat system pågår. Andra funktioner för slutanvändare sker i en webbmiljö.

  • Ett robust system för företag i privat sektor med upp till cirka 1 000 anställda.

  • Förbättrad nyanställningsprocess med Agda PS onboarding-modulen för att hantera anställningsinfo, arbetsschema, anställningskontrakt och onboarding-aktiviteter.

User experience

  • User interface
  • Screenshots
  • Videos

User inteface

Client support




Native IOS

Native Android

Mobile webb

Teams App

Slack App

Language support

No. countries







System screenshots

System video

No data

System strategy

  • System development
  • Price model
  • Deployment options
  • Implementor

System development

New version release




Twice a year


Every two years

Every three years

Development plans

Updating and refreshing of employeeregister, massupdating of fields in employeeregister, continueing developing automated processes in salaryservice and accountingservice.

Emerging technology

Compares deviation from month to month regarding salary. In our travel and expense modul you can take a photo of your reciept and the system will help you read what it is for example suggest the tax amount.


Price model

Only one-time fee

One-time fee + recurring fee

Only recurring fee (subscription)

Pricing metrics

No. of concurrent users

No. of named users

No. of employees

No. of legal entities

No. of modules / functions used

No. of transactions

Platform fee / start fee

Pricing add-on

System environments

Storage space

Integrated systems

Integration transactions

Pricing description

The pricing is depending on the number of payslips you have. Then you can buy extra functions that will add the payslip price or depending on what function it is it can add a monthly fee.

Deployment options

Deployment forms

Public cloud / Multi-tenant

Public cloud / Single-tenant

Private cloud

On premise

Cloud architecture

Shared Application

Shared Database

Shared Platform

Cloud service model

SaaS - Supplier hosts and maintains application and platform

PaaS - Supplier hosts and maintains platform / Customer host and maintain application

IaaS - Supplier hosts and maintains infrastructure / Customer host and maintain platform and application
